a one stop site to help you on your self healing trauma journey.
don’t give trauma the power to control you, you deserve to live how you want. take control of your trauma.
-life advice from one survivor to another
become the highest version of yourself <3
read experiences to heal and grow on your trauma healing journey.
this is a safe space for you.
mistakes are always a “bad”. just make sure you learn from them
be inspired to put in the deep work to help heal your trauma
life experience
read personal experiences on how i was able to heal my trauma
you are not alone
please reach out if you are dealing with something and want to be heard, ask for advice, or to read about similar experiences
- help develop a positive mentality
- a form of self care
- healthy habits
journal prompts & poems
- connect with words in the form of art
- prompts to help with that first step
- get inspiration and be motivated to put in the hard work for yourself
“don’t give trauma the power to control you, you deserve to live how you want.
take control of your trauma.”
have a look if you want to learn about any of these
become the best version of yourself
mao’s best tips for your trauma healing journey sent straight to your inbox